Development of a model for cyclic loading and unloading of palladium
- Type:Bachelor or Master Thesis
- Date:Flexible
- Supervision:
Prof. Thomas Böhlke
Johannes Gisy (M.Sc) - Graduand/Requirements:
Methodological focus: theory and numerics
Specialisation in mechanics desired
FEM knowledge necessary - Contact:
Topic Description:
When exposed to hydrogen, some metallic materials (e.g. palladium and niobium) form hydrides above a certain concentration. This means that the previously single-phase metal decomposes into two phases, an alpha phase with a low hydrogen concentration and a hydride phase with a very high hydrogen concentration.Mapping this phenomenon, taking into account the elasto-plastic deformation of the metal, requires the introduction of a non-convex free energy density. In a certain concentration range, the coexistence of two phases corresponds to a minimum free energy. The equilibrium concentrations are shifted by elasto-plastic deformations.