Development of a chemo-mechanical model for moisture diffusion using mixture theorie
- Type:Bachelor or Master Thesis
- Date:Flexible
- Supervision:
Prof. Thomas Böhlke
Johannes Gisy (M.Sc.) - Graduand/Requirements:
Methodological focus: theory and numerics
Specialisation in mechanics desired
Knowledge of FEM necessary - Contact:
Topic description:
In many engineering applications, it is sufficient to assume that materials are homogeneous and to model them accordingly. At the micro level, however, the assumption of homogeneity is only partially applicable. In particular, for chemically active materials such as batteries and fuel cells (especially solid oxide fuel cells), metals exposed to a hydrogen environment, or polymers that can incorporate water, the local composition of solid and fluid is critical to the effective material behaviour.
The focus of the work will therefore be on the development of a chemomechanical model for moisture diffusion, for which an approach from mixture theory will be investigated. The macroscopic material will be modelled as a mixture of solid and liquid material. The final material will be implemented at the material point level. The aim is to obtain a complete description of the mixture and both phases, as well as a clear overview of the assumptions made.