Electromechanical biaxial testing device with 4 separately controlled testing axes (Zwick)
Maximal force | 150 kN |
Traverse speed | 0,0005 bis 900mm/min |
Maximum measuring distance of each axis | 700 mm |
Particularities | Integral optical strain measurement by means of VideoExtens (Zwick) Local optical strain measurement by means of DIC (ARAMIS 3D 4M (GOM)) |
Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMA), EPLEXOR® 500 N (GABO)
Temperature range | -150°C bis 500°C |
Strain frequency domain | 0,01 bis 100 Hz |
Maximal static load | 1500 N |
Maximal dynamic load | 500 N |
Load cell capacities | 150 N, 500 N, 1500 N |
Measuring type | Dynamic mechanical test under tension load (for different temperatures and frequencies, superposition of temperature and frequency loads) Dynamic mechanical bending tests Static tension load (Universal Tester) Relaxation and retardation tests |