Transfer of tribological phenomenon in a gear system to experimental and theoretical model level
- Type:Master Thesis/SEW-Eurodrive GmbH & Co KG
- Date:Start negotiable
- Supervision:
Prof. Thomas Böhlke
Specialist group Tribology & Sealing Systems - Graduand/Requirements:
Processing period 6 months
Further topics possible after consultation
Internship possible - Contact:
Topic Description:
In our specialised technology group you can expect a wide range of opportunities and varied tasks in a technologically exciting growth industry. The focus of the Master's thesis/internship could be on the transfer of real wear phenomena of different material pairings to a 2-disc test rig; development of suitable models for the ageing of lubricants and radial shaft seals based on condition monitoring data and model tests. The final topic will be agreed in a discussion based on interests and previous knowledge.