Calculation of critical stress intensity factors for the emission of dislocations at crack tips
- Type:Bachelor-/Master Thesis MTU Aero Engines AG München
- Date:Start negotiable
- Supervision:
Prof. Thomas Böhlke
Dr. ès sc. W. Nöhring - Graduand/Requirements:
Methodological focus: theory and numerics
Specialisation in mechanics desired
An internship is possible - Contact:
Topic Description:
At crack tips, the high mechanical stress can lead to the emission of crystal dislocations. This process plays a role in the differentiation between brittle and ductile materials and in the growth of fatigue cracks. As a measure of the required mechanical load, a critical stress intensity factor can be specified, which depends on the crystal structure, the anisotropic elastic properties and certain crystal defect energies. The aim of this work is (i) to implement the corresponding anisotropic-elastic models as (Python) code, (ii) to implement crystal structure information relevant for MTU materials, and (iii) to calculate critical stress intensity factors for these materials.
About the company:
MTU Aero Engines is Germany's leading engine manufacturer and a global player in the industry. The company develops, manufactures, markets and supports aircraft engines of all thrust and power categories as well as stationary industrial gas turbines. Some 30% of the world's commercial aircraft are powered by MTU technology.