Tarkes Dora Pallicity Tarkes Dora Pallicity

Dr. Tarkes Dora Pallicity

  • PostDoc, Scientific Assistant
  • GRK 2078, Coordination
  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Kaiserstraße 10
    Gebäude: 10.23
    76131 Karlsruhe

Curriculum Vitae

08/2005-05/2009   Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering at BPUT, Rourkela, India
08/2009-05/2011 Master Degree in Materials Sc. and Eng.,
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Science,
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India

Ph.D. Student for IN-EU SIMUGLASS project,
Department of Applied Mechanics,
Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) Madras, India
Supervisor: Prof. K. Ramesh (IIT Madras) and Prof. Puneet Mahajan (IIT Delhi)
Doctoral Thesis: Studies on cooling stage of Precision Glass Molding Process
06-08/2016 Pre-Doctoral Fellow,
Department of Applied Mechanics,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
Supervisor: Prof. K. Ramesh
08/2016-10/2017 Post Doctoral Fellow,
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering,
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Supervisor: Dr. Stephan Rudykh
01/2018-12/2021 Post-Doctoral Fellow in GRK2078, Scientific Assistant
Institute of Engineering Mechanics (ITM),
Chair for Continuum Mechanics
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany


Research Subject

Residual stress analysis in composite materials
(Eigenspannungsanalyse in Verbundwerkstoffen)

Studies and Teachings

Winter Term 2020/21

  • 60% Lectures for Engineering Mechanics I (EMI)
  • 40% Tutorial for Engineering Mechanics I (EMI)

Summer Term 2020

  • 50% Lectures for Engineering Mechanics II (EMII)
  • Tutorial for Engineering Mechanics II (EMII)

Winter Term 2019/20

  • Tutorial for Engineering Mechanics I (EMI)

Summer Term 2019

  • Tutorial for Engineering Mechanics II (EM II)

Winter Term 2018/19

  • Tutorial for Engineering Mechanics I (EMI)

Summer Term 2018

  • Tutorial for Engineering Mechanics II (EM II)

Tutoring - Bachelor/Master Thesis

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