M.Sc. Jonas Kaupp
- Research Assistant
- Office Hours:
by appointment
- Room: 208
- Phone: +49 721 608-46069
- jonas kaupp ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Institut für Technische Mechanik
Teilinstitut Dynamik/Mechatronik
Postfach 6980
76049 KarlsruheHaus- und Lieferanschrift:
KIT-Campus Süd
Institut für Technische Mechanik
Teilinstitut Dynamik/Mechatronik
Gebäude 10.23, 2.OG, Raum 208
Kaiserstraße 10
76131 Karlsruhe
Uncertainty Quantification for lifetime prediction of Metal Foams

Metal foams and their applications are of interest in the area of research and development. They benefit from high stiffness in combination with low density, high energy absorption capacity and good damping properties, which are optimal conditions for light weight constructions, crash elements or vibration damping. Fields of application are for instance: aerospace, automotive, battery technology and orthopedics.
Due to the manufacturing process, metal foams demonstrate imperfections and thus fluctuations in material properties that ultimately lead to computational challenges for precise failure and lifetime prediction. Therefore, the aim of this research is developing a suitable efficient method for structural reliability analysis with probability boxes (p-boxes) using model hierarchies, which combine cheap, approximate surrogate models with an expensive, accurate high-fidelity model.
Contact: Prof. C. Proppe, J. Kaupp
Proppe, C.; Kaupp, J.
2022. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 69, Art.-Nr.: 103291. doi:10.1016/j.probengmech.2022.103291
Geiger, C.; Beiser, S.; Kaupp, J.; Geimer, M.
2020. 11. Kolloquium Mobilhydraulik, Karlsruhe, 10. September 2020. Hrsg.: M. Geimer, 115–131, KIT Scientific Publishing
Haas, M.; Kaupp, J.; Scheikl, P.
2017. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2017-56