Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fidlin
- Professor
- Office Hours:
by arrangement
- Room: 203
CS 10.23 - Phone: +49 721 608-42396
- alexander fidlin ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Institut für Technische Mechanik
Teilinstitut Dynamik/Mechatronik
Postfach 6980
76049 KarlsruheHaus- und Lieferanschrift:
KIT-Campus Süd
Institut für Technische Mechanik
Teilinstitut Dynamik/Mechatronik
Geb. 10.23, 2.OG
Kaiserstraße 10
76131 Karlsruhe
Curriculum Vitae
1972-1981 | Secondary school, Leningrad University entrance qualification |
1981-1987 | Studies at the Polytechnical University (TU) of Leningrad, Department of Physics and Mechanics, Chair of Mechanics and Control Processes Head: Prof. A. Lur'ie, later Prof. V. Palmov Degree: Diploma with distinction (excellent) |
1989-1991 | Doctoral student at the Research Institute for Mechanical Process Technology "Mekhanobr", Leningrad Head: Prof I. Blekhman |
1992 | Doctorate at the Technical University St. Petersburg Subject of PhD thesis: "Averaging Method in Variable Order Systems and Its Use for Analyzing Vibro-Impact Systems" Degree: PhD |
2002 | Post-doctoral qualification at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University Karlsruhe Subject of the thesis: "On the Oscillations in Discontinuous and Uncenventionally Strongly Excited Systems: Asymptotic Approaches and Dynamical Effects" Area: Engineering Mechanics Degree: Privatdozent (reader) |
Professional Career
1987-1993 | Engineer at the Research Institute for Mechanical Process Technology "Mekhanobr", later "Mekhanobr-Tekhnika Corp", Leningrad; Department for Fundamental Research (Head: Prof. I Blekhman); then: scientist, last: executive scientist |
1995 – 1998 | Development engineer in the area of simulation technology of LuK Getriebe-Systeme GmbH, Bühl |
1998 – 2000 | Head of the Group for Dynamic Simulations, Analytical Calculations, and Strength (5 employees) of LuK GmbH & Co. oHG, Bühl |
2001 – 2011 | Head of the Department for Dynamic Simulations, Analytical Calculations, and Strength (25 employees) of LuK GmbH & Co. oHG, Bühl |
2004 – 2011 | Coordinator of all activities relating to multi-body dynamics and vibrations of the Schaeffler Group (FAG, INA, LuK) worldwide (7 locations in 4 countries) |
2004 – 2008 | Member of the Steering Group of LuK GmbH & Co. oHG, Bühl |
2011 – | Professor of Structural Dynamics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, member of the directors' board of the Institute of Engineering Mechanics |
Place on nomination lists and invitations
2003 | Invitation as the full university professor and head of Institute for Mechanics and Kinematics at TU Graz (Austria) |
2006 | Second place on the nomination list for the professor of dynamics and oscillations at the University of Hannover |
2008 | Extraordinary professor at the Depaqrtment of Mechanical Engineering at the 'University of Karlsruhe |
2011 | Professor of Structural Dynamics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Supervisor of PhD-theses
2009 | W. Stamm, Universität Karlsruhe Modellierung und Simulation von Mehrkörpersystemen mit flächigen Reibkontakten |
2012 | L. Ineichen, KIT Konzeptvergleich zur Bekämpfung der Torsionsschwingungen im Antriebstrang eines Kraftfahrzeugs |
2015 | A. Tikhomolov, KIT Analytische, numerische und messtechnische Untersuchung der Dynamik von Fahrzeugkupplungen am Beispiel des Trennproblems |
2016 |
J. Deppler, KIT
2017 | M. Köster, KIT On Modelling, Analysis and Nonlinear Control of Hydraulic Systems |
2018 |
U. Römer, KIT |
2020 |
P. Mall, KIT
O. Drozdetskaya, KIT |
2022 |
S. Schröders, KIT
S. Markisch, KIT
J.A. Aramendiz Fuentes, KIT |
2024 |
A. Genda, KIT |
Reviewer of PhD and post-doctoral reader qualification (habilitation) theses
2003 | V. Vesselinov, Universität Karlsruhe, Promotion Dreidimensionale Simulation der Dynamik von Wälzlagern |
2012 | G. Spelsberg-Korspeter, TU Darmstadt, Habilitation Robust structural design against self-excited vibrations |
2014 | F. Bauer, KIT, Promotion Optimierung der Energieeffizienz zweibeiniger Roboter durch elastische Kopplungen |
2015 | N. Fuglede, TU of Denmark, Promotion Kinematics and Dynamics of Roller Chain Drives |
2015 | Ch. Zeile, KIT, Promotion Theoretical development and experimental validation of a method to reconstruct forces on the TBM structure during operation |
2015 | U. Schreiber, TU Dresden, Promotion Modellbildung, Analyse und Interpretation der Ergebnisse zur Beurteilung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Antriebssystemen |
2018 |
Ch. Min, TU Ilmenau, Promotion
2019 |
L. Caspers, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Promotion |
2021 |
J.Ch. Berger, KIT, Promotion |
2023 |
Kai Wolter, KIT, Promotion Felix Sutter, KIT, PhD Thesis |
Activities as Reviewer
- ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
- European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids
- International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
- Journal of Sound and Vibration
- Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Proceedings of the Royal Society A
Since 2017 Member of the editorial advisory board of Journal Acta Mechanica
Since 2023 Subject associate editor of Nonlinear Dynamics
Guest Editor
- Guest editor of the Special Issue: ICoVIS 2013: Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Non-Smooth Interactions. Ed. A. Fidlin and V.I.Babitsky, ZAMM, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 94 (2014) 11, pp. 879 – 973.
- Guest editor of the Special Section: Dynamics of Vibro-Impact and Discontinuous Systems. Ed. A. Fidlin and V.I.Babitsky, Journal of Sound and Vinration, Vol. 333 (2014) 23, pp. 5899 – 5979.
Organization of International Conferences and Mini-Symposia
Organizer of the mini symposium “Industrial applications“ of ENOC 2008, Sixth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference
- Member of the Program Committee of VDI conferences “Schwingungen in Antrieben“ (vibrations in drive trains) 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015
Organizer of the Mini-Symposium “Computational Methods and Analysis of Dynamic Phenomena with Contact and Friction Interfaces” within the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2014), Cambridge, UK, 2014
Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the 3rd international conference on vibro-impact systems and systems with non-smooth interactions ICoVIS 2013
- Co-organizer of the Mini-Symposium “Influencing Vibrations by Dissipative Effects” at International Conference on Engineering Vibrations ICoEV 2015.
- Co-organizer of the Section 05 “Nonlinear Oscillations” within the Joint Annual Meeting of GAMM and DMV, March 7 – 11, 2016, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the 4th international conference on Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Contact and Friction ICoVIS 2018
- Co-organizer of the Section FS03 “Nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation” within the 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM 2024 Daegu, Korea, August 25 – 30, 2024.
Scientific Interests
- Oscillation theory
- Non-linear oscillations, perturbation methods
- Smart dynamic structures and materials
- Simulation of structurally variable systems
- Multi-body dynamics, bipedal walking
- Systems with spatially distributed friction
- Continuous systems with friction
- Simulation-supported optimization of complex technical systems
- Dynamics of grit material in vibrating containers
- Fracture mechanics of brittle solids (stone, ceramics)
Acitivities in Industry
- Vibrations of vehicle drive trains, torsion dampers, noise optimization (1995 until now)
- Spatial dynamics of drive trains, in particular of dual-clutch transmissions, inclusive of mechatronic clutch actuation systems (2007 until now)
- Simulation-supported optimization of complex systems under real conditions of mass production (2002 until now)
- Dynamics, strength, and acoustics of the variable speed gear for continuously adjustable automatic gear boxes (CVT), inclusive of modeling, simulation, and solution of practical problems (1997 – 2004)
- Dynamics of toothed chains, inclusive of modeling and simulation (2004 until now)
- Vibrations of hydraulic control systems and drives; instability of hydraulic valves and control circuits (1998 until now)
- Vibrations of crankshafts in combustion engines, influence of the flywheel (rigid flywheel, flex plate, dual-mass flywheel), interactions with the valve drive (2003 – 2010)
- Vibrations of vehicle clutches and clutch actuation systems (1995 until now)
- Kinematics and efficiency of spatial clutch and gear actuators for automatic clutch/automatic gear systems (2000 – 2005)
- Optimum control of synchronization processes in dual-clutch transmissions (1999)
- Dynamics and strength of machines for mechanical process technology (1987 – 1993)
Experience in the management and coordination of international projects
- Vibrations of hydraulic disengaging systems (together with LuK Inc., USA, 1998)
- Optimum control of gear-changing processes in dual-clutch transmissions (together with LuK Norge, Norway, 1999)
- Development of simulation models for the calculation of the inner dynamics, acoustics, adjustment dynamics, and controllability of the CVT variator (together with TU St. Petersburg, Russia, 1997 – 2004)
- Development of efficient and rapid calculation models for strongly non-linear elastic spring elements under consideration of manufacturing processes (together with TU St. Petersburg, Russia, 2001 – 2005)
- Development of rapid and efficient models of roller bearings for multi-body dynamics simulations (together with INA Herzogenaurach, INA Fort Mill, USA, FAG Schweinfurt, 2005 – 2010)
- Modeling of chain and valve drives in combustion engines (together with INA Herzogenaurach, INA Troy, USA, 2003 – 2004)
- 4D materials and structures: Using space-time variation to tailor structural properties (together with TU Denmark and Institute of the Problems of Mechanical Engineering, St.-Petersburg, Russia) supported by The Danish Council for Independent Research (2006 – 2009)
- Coordination with the “simulation” division of the central research and development department of the Schaeffler Group (Zentrale Technik) with several locations worldwide (2008 – 2011)
- Research project “Innovative concepts for the energy efficient control of automotive transmissions” (together with the TU Vienna and AVL Graz) supported by the Austrian Research Foundation (2015 – 2018)
- Research project “Vibrations for estimating bolted joints integrity” (together with DTU and Bruel & Kjaer) supported by the Danish Council for Independent Research (2016 – 2019)
Teaching Experience
- Responsible for the educational priority direction Nr. 60 “Vibrations” within the master program Mechanical Engineering at KIT
- Organization of lectures and exercises at the KIT Department of Mechanical Engineering since 2011
- Engineering vibrations
- Stability of motion
- Introduction to non-linear oscillations
- Dynamics of the automotive drive trains
- Experimental dynamics
- Organization of the experimental dynamic lab since 2012
- The lab course consists of eight dynamic experiments for 25 students and has obtained the best evaluation grades by the students
- Engineering Mechanics (I and II) for the faculty of electrical engineering and for the faculty of economics
- Organization, design, and supervision of the master program “Construction and calculation” tailored to the needs of German industry at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of TU St. Petersburg (2002 – 2011).
The project is highly successful – 80% of the graduates have been employed in Germany so far, 60% of the newly employed were ranked above-average employees by their superiors.
- Design and execution of the lecture “Introduction to non-linear oscillations” for students of mechanical engineering at Universität Karlsruhe (TH) (2002 – 2011)
- Design and execution of the lecture series “Non-linear oscilations in the vehicle drive train” for employees and diploma students of LuK GmbH & Co. (2003)
- Preparation, design, and execution of a number of trainings and seminars within the Schaeffler Group
- Instruction of new employees, supervision of trainees and diploma students
Bachelor and Master theses
- 2012
- J. Berger (MT): Method-based development of a test bench for the reproduction of combustion induced flywheel dynamics
- U. Römer (MT): Implementation of a semi-analytical simulation model for coaxial magnetic gears
- D. Rubio (BT): Considerations for the generation of pressure in a friction pad
- 2013
- C. Pihuave (BT): Implementation of a semi-analytical simulation model for excentric magnetic gears+
- V. Strubel (MT): Torsionally dynamic analysis of a truck waste heat recovery system for dimensioning elastic coupling elements
- M. Lobos (MT): Limiting the vibrations amplitude by sequential elastic stick-slip elements
- M. Chen (MT): Harmonic phase variation in PLL controlled mechanical resonators for dynamic viscometry
- 2014
- Ph. König (MT): Implementation and simulation of a nonlinear controller for a running bipedal robot
- Ph. Mall (MT): Dimensioning of a test bench concept for the reproduction of combustion induced flywheel dynamics
- A. Fridrich: Modelling of the hydraulic fluid pipe to actuate a shift gearbox and influence on its stability
- S. Braun (BT): Development and assembly of a demonstrator for a bipedal robot
- K. U. Becker (MT): Implementation of contact models to simulate plain frictional contacts
- F. Boy (MT): Modelling of friction fading in clutches due to outgassing for contact gaps under spatial motion
- S. Bäuerle (MT): Influence of friction fading due to outgassing on the thermoelastic behavior of friction plates in clutch systems
- D. Dörr (MT): Development of a simulation method for endurance strength dimensioning of exhaust gas components under roadway induced random loads
- M. Probst (BT): Identification of dynamical systems with a homotopy method: potentials and limitations
- S. Marahrens (BT): Derivation and validation of a nonlinear coordinate transformation as extension of the feedback control concept of a bipedal robot
- G. Gunnarsson (BT): Identification of dynamical systems with a homotopy method: applications
- J. Wachter (BT): Identification of model related parameters of a bipedal robot
- 2015
- F. Engelhorn (BT): Stability analysis and synthesis for a variable displacement vane pump
- R. Shi (MT): Experimental investigation of an axially oscillating fluid pipe to influence oscillating shafts
- T. Fetzer (BT): Implementation of NURBS to parameterize the reference motion for the feedback control of a bipedal robot
- C. Kuhs (DT): Numerical optimization of the walking movements of bipedal robots
- C. Plachetka (MT): Calculation of a test rig concept for the investigation of the oscillatory behavior of subsystems in a drive train
- M.-P. Weiß (MT): Modelling of a clutch disc for the analysis of friction induced vibrations
- S. Lüdke (MT): Numerical and analytical investigation of limit cycle walking gaits of a “Passive Dynamic Walker”
- E. Kestek (MT): Modelling and analysis of a new concept for isolation of torsional vibrations in motor vehicle drivetrains
- M. Mäck (MT): Modelling of spur and helical gearing
- 2016
- J. Wingens (MT): Modelling and investigation of limit cycles in 3D Passive Dynamic Walking
- S. Schröders (MT): Modelling, simulation and stability analysis of a self-regulating hydraulic system
- J. Löwer (MT): Modelling and optimization of a centrifugal pendulum-type absorber for use in dual mass flywheels
- T. Wang (MT): Co-Simulation of the TMC Pump model
- J.-H. Witt (BT): Experimental identification of the model parameters of a bipedal walking robot
- Sh. V. Joshi (BT): Investigation of the effects of series elastic actuators on bipedal walking robots
- 2017
- H. Clausnizer (MT): Experimental Investigation of the Permeability in Tribological Contact
- J.A. Aramendiz Fuentes (MT): Simulations of periodic gaits of a bipedal robot with geometry deviations in its control model
- J. Hieke (MT): Numerical investigation of the phase space structure of a rotor with a self-balancing device
- F. Krebs (BT): Simulation and optimization of a bipedal robot for walking on the ground with different slopes
- N. Gafur (MT): Investigation of the dynamic effect of a friction based tuned mass damper using averaging
- Ch. Pihuave (MT): Dynamic Model of a Torque Converter with a Lock-up Clutch and Torsional Damper
- Kan Lei (MT): Limitation of oscillations by means of add-on sequential stick-slip elements
- Ph. Altoé (BT): A contribution to the development of an abstract MBD-model of a friction clutch for simulations of „Eek-Noise“
- 2018
- T. Yuzbasioglu (MT): Numerical Investigation of the impact mass dampers
- Y. Zhang (MT): Experimental parameter identification and real time torque control for a prototype of a bipedal walker with serial elastic actuators
- A.M. Dyck (MT): Design and simulation of a controller based on hybrid zero dynamics for bipedal locomotion with noninstantaneous double support phase
- E. Baranowski (MT): Investigation of dynamics of a friction based preloaded wedge mass damper
- 2019
- S. Keller (MT): Suppression of parametric resonance by the use of a freely movable mass
- M. Fischer (MT): Simulation and Testing of the Dynamic Behaviour of Jump Skis Using Modal Analysis
- Daniela Klein (MT): On the effect of engine of limited power on the rotor instability due to internal damping
- Shiyang Zhou (MT): A soft electromagnetic motor
- Alexander Bitner (MT): Numerical investigation of two-phase flow in a Hele-Shaw cell
- Amira Khelifi (MT): Mathematical modelling of a piezoelectric energy harvesting system
- 2020
- Tobias Mayer (MT): Investigation on the dynamics of a prestressed friction damper with smooth geometry
- David Holderle (MT): Simulation of periodic walking movements with pronounced double support phase of a bipedal robot with convex foot geometry
- German Oviedo (BT): Development of an approach for the experimental validation of hydraulic systems using electric circuits
- 2021
- Lukas Lamm (BT): Design and commissioning of a test bench for parameter identification of an electric drive train
- Lukas Körger (MT): Mechanical analyses on the runner-rail assembly of a luge sled
- Alexander Stoychev (MT): Improvement potentials of the spectral sub-manifolds method
- Sören Riegraf (BT): The application of the homotopy method to the parameter identification of a robot leg
- Daniel Hartmann (MT): Rotor dynamic behavior analysis of a system with a hybrid rotor shaft
- Attila Genda (MT): On the escape of a strongly damped particle chain from a potential well under poly-harmonic excitation
- 2022
- Carola Kruthoff (BT): Design of a new electric drivetrain enabling passive dynamics
- Mark Kurcsics (MT): Data-driven System Modelling Based on Koopman Operator Theory and Artificial Neural Networks
- Maxim Wischnewski (MT): Development and Characterization of Ultrasonic Actuators made of LiTaO3 und LiNbO3
- Marc Halschka (BT): Concept, Design and Measurement System for mechatronic components of a Bipedal Robot Prototype.
- Ziyang Zhang (BT): Energy Efficiency of Bipedal Robots on Stairs with Multiple Step Periods
- Dhruv Singhal (MT): Making a bipedal robot prototype operational.
- 2023
- Philipp Leonhard Arbogast (MT): Energy efficient running of a bipedal robot on a compliant ground.
- Robin Schützke (BT): Design and Construction of a Test Rig for the Thermomechanical Investigation of Plain Bearings under High-Frequency Excitation.
- Mattis Hoenig (BA): Experimental analysis of the drivetrain of a bipedal robot.
- Hanna Pfannenstiel (MT): Investigation of the excitation mechanisms of the roller coasters low frequency vibrations through field measurements
- Philipp Wasserloos (MT): Physically based condition monitoring methods of circuit breakers for smart electrification
- Julia Overbeck (MT): Investigations on the nonlinear modal analysis of a piezo-electric ultrasonic drivetrain
- Leo Nieradzik (BA): Design of a test specimen for investigations of rotor dynamics in electro-motors with disc like rotors
- Ozeina Kansoh (BA): Commissioning of a tribometer and development of an analysis tool
- 2024
- Daniel Büttner (BT): Development of a test rig for measurement of mechanical losses in electric motors.
- Margarete Breitenhuber (BT): A rational ansatz to approximate Koopman eigenfunctions of a pendulum.
- Marcel Bader (BT): Escape of a harmonically excited particle from a limited quadratic potential well with Coulomb’ friction.
- Tiron Fritz (MT): Development of an active support mechanism.
- Camila Schmidt (BT): Design and implementation of a kinematic model and an appropriate trajectory plan for a high precision MDOF positioning device
- Nils Horneff (MT): Development of a Kalman Filter for the Hybrid-Dynamic System of a Bipedal Robot Prototype
- Clemens Kummer (MA): Experimental averaging using classical probability density function of fast movements
List of Publications
A. Books and Book Sections
- Yabuno, H., Lacarbonara, W., Balachandran, B., Fidlin, A., Rega, G., Kuroda, M. and Maruyama, S. (Editors), 2025. Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for Design of Mechanical Systems Across Different Length/Time Scales, IUTAM Bookseries, vol. 43, Springer, Cham, DOI:
- Dresig, H.; Fidlin, A.,2020. Schwingungen mechanischer Antriebssysteme: Modellbildung, Berechnung, Analyse, Synthese, 4. korrigierte Auflage, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Vieweg
- H. Dresig, A. Fidlin, 2014. Schwingungen Mechanischer Antriebssysteme, 3. Auflage, Springer: Berlin – Heidelberg – New York, 651 S.
- A. Fidlin, 2006. Nonlinear Oscillations in Mechanical Engineering, Springer: Berlin – Heidelberg, 356 p.
- A. Fidlin, 2004. On asymptotic analysis of systems with fast excitation. In “Selected Topics in Vibrational Mechanics”, Editor: I. I. Blekhman, Series A on Stability, Vibration, and Control of Systems, Vol. 11. World Scientific: New Jersey – London – Singapore – Shanghai – Hong Kong, pp. 333 – 355.
- A. Fidlin, 2004. On the averaging of discontinuous systems. In “Selected Topics in Vibrational Mechanics”, Editor: I.I. Blekhman, Series A on Stability, Vibration, and Control of Systems, Vol. 11. World Scientific: New Jersey – London – Singapore – Shanghai – Hong Kong, pp. 357 – 401.
B. Theses
- A. Fidlin, 2002. On the oscillations in discontinuous and unconventionally strong excited systems: asymptotic approaches and dynamic effects. Habilitationsschrift, Universität Karlsruhe, 143 p.
- A. Fidlin, 1992. Averaging method in variable order systems and its use for analysing of vibro-impact systems. An abstract of the PhD thesis. - Leningrad State Technical University, 22 p (in Russian).
C. Publications in Journals and reviewed Proceedings
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A., Gendelman, O.V., 2025. Bias of the Steady-State Averaged Solutions of a Strongly Overdamped Particle in a Cosine Potential Under Harmonic Excitation. In: Yabuno, H., et al. Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for Design of Mechanical Systems Across Different Length/Time Scales. IUTAM 2023. IUTAM Bookseries, vol 43. Springer, Cham.
- Fidlin, A., Yüzbasioglu, T., 2025. Exciting of Slowly Modulated Vibrations with Unbalanced Rotor Exciters Using Nonlinear Resonance. In: Yabuno, H., et al. Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for Design of Mechanical Systems Across Different Length/Time Scales. IUTAM 2023. IUTAM Bookseries, vol 43. Springer, Cham.
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman, O., 2024. Experimental validation of escape mechanisms in a bi-stable potential well. Nonlinear Dynamics, pp. 1 – 18.
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman, O., 2024. Experimental validation of escape mechanisms in a bi-stable potential well. Nonlinear Dynamics, pp. 1 – 18.
- Kravetc, P., Gendelman, O. and Fidlin, A., 2024. Dynamical integrity of the safe basins in a problem of forced escape. Chaos 34, 083118 (2024), doi: 10.1063/5.0205049
- Keller, S. and Fidlin, A., 2024. Thermo-mechanical investigation of a friction oscillator under high-frequency excitation. Forsch Ingenieurwes 88, 33.
- Keller, S. and Fidlin, A., 2024. Thermo-Mechanical Investigation of a Rotational Friction Joint Under High-Frequency Excitation. In: Ciulli, E., Ruggiero, A. (eds) Proceedings of ITS-IFToMM 2024. ITS-IFToMM 2024. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 160. Springer, Cham.
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman, O., 2024. Model reduction for an internally damped n-particle chain in a potential well under polyharmonic excitation. Acta Mech (2024).
- Aramendiz, J. and Fidlin, A., 2024. On the decoupling of vibration damping and vibration absorption with friction dampers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 581 (2024) 118313.
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman, O., 2024. An alternative approach to averaging in nonlinear systems using classical probability density. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024; e202300432,
- Aramendiz, J. and Fidlin, A., 2024: A Study on Friction Dampers and Their Contact Geometry Design. In P. Eberhard (ed.), Calm, Smooth and Smart, Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics 102,, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024, pp. 25 – 44.
- Engel, A., Gendelman, O.V. & Fidlin, A, 2024: Escape of a particle from two-dimensional potential well. Nonlinear Dyn 112, 1601–1618.
- Keller, S. and Fidlin, A., 2023. Thermomechanical Investigation of a frictional oscillator under High-frequency Excitation. In VDI-Berichte Nr. 2429, VDI Verlag Düsseldorf GmbH, 2023, pp. 171 – 184, ISBN 978-3-18-092429-8.
- Altoé, Ph., Römer, U.J. and Fidlin, A., 2023. Rotor Dynamics in axial flux reluctance motors under external vibrations excitation. In VDI-Berichte Nr. 2429, VDI Verlag Düsseldorf GmbH, 2023, pp. 155 – 169, ISBN 978-3-18-092429-8.
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman, O., 2023: The level-crossing problem of a weakly damped particle in quadratic potential well under harmonic excitation. Nonlinear Dynamics (2023),
- Aramendiz, J., Fidlin, A., 2023: On the vibration control of semi-active friction dampers with piecewise defined contact geometries. Acta Mech (2023).
- Kravetc, P., Gendelman, O. and Fidlin, A., 2023: Resonant escape induced by a finite time harmonic excitation. Chaos 33, 063116 (2023), doi: 10.1063/5.0142761
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman, O., 2023: Dynamics of forced escape from asymmetric truncated parabolic well. Z Angew Math Mech. e202200567 (2023).
- Engel, A., Ezra, T., Gendelman, O.V. and Fidlin, A., 2022. Escape of 2-DOF Dynamical System from the Potential Well. Nonlinear Dynamics,
- Zirkel, M., Luo, Y., Römer, U. J., Fidlin, A., & Zentner, L., 2022. Development of a Database to Simulate and Adapt Compliant Mechanisms to a Given Characteristic for Improving Energy Efficiency of a Walking Robot. In Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms: MAMM 2022 (pp. 46-60). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman, O., 2022. On the Escape of a Resonantly Excited Couple of Colliding Particles from a Potential Well under Bi-harmonic Excitation. ENOC 2020+2, July 17-22, 2022, Lyon, France. 10p.
- Brøns, M., Plaugmann, A., Fidlin, A. and Thomsen, J.J., 2022: Coupling effects with vibration-based estimation of individual bolt tension in multi-bolt structures, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol, 528, 23 June 2022, 116873,
- Luo, Y., Römer, U.J., Zentner, L. and Fidlin, A., 2022: Improving Energy Efficiency of a Bipedal Walker with Optimized Nonlinear Elastic Coupling. In: Lacarbonara, W., Balachandran, B., Leamy, M.J., Ma, J., Tenreiro Machado, J.A., Stepan, G. (eds) Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics. NODYCON Conference Proceedings Series. Springer, Cham., pp. 253-262.
- Luo, Y., Römer, U.J., Riegraf, S., Fidlin, A., Zirkel, M. und Zentner, L., 2021: Anwendung einer Homotopie-Optimierungs-Methode zur Identifikation der Modellparameter eines Roboterprototyps. In VDI Berichte 2391, VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf 2021, ss. 259 – 271.
- Drozdetskaya, O. and Fidlin, A., 2021: Passing through resonance of the unbalanced rotor with self-balancing device. Nonlinear Dynamics, 106: 1647 – 1657,
- Aramendiz, J.A., Fidlin, A, 2021: Aktive trockene Reibungselemente im Tilgerkonfigurationen. In VDI Berichte 2391, VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf 2021, ss. 333 – 344.
- K. (Stevanovich) Hedrih, A. Fidlin, K. Lurie, G. Rega and L. Sperling, 2021: Obituary Professor Ilya I. Blekhman (29 Novenber 1928 – 03 February 2003). Nonlinear Dynamics, 104: 1–12.
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. & Gendelman, O., 2021: On the escape of a resonantly excited couple of particles from a potential well. Nonlinear Dynamics, 104: 91 – 102.
- S. Schröders and A. Fidlin, 2021: Asymptotic analysis of self-excited and forced vibrations of a self-regulating pressure control valve. Nonlinear Dynamics, 103: 2315–2327.
- M. Brøns, J.J. Thomsen, S.M. Sah, D. Tcherniak and A. Fidlin, 2021. Estimating bolt tension from vibrations: Transient features, nonlinearity, and signal processing. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 150 (2021) 107224,
- Brøns M., Plaugmann A., Thomsen J.J., Fidlin A., 2021: Vibration-Based Bolt Tension Estimation for Multi-bolt Joints. In: Kerschen G., Brake M.R., Renson L. (eds) Nonlinear Structures & Systems, Volume 1. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer, Cham, pp. 129 – 133.
- Luo, Y., Römer, U. and Fidlin, A., 2021: The Influence of ground inclination on the energy efficiency of a bipedal walking robot. PAMM, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 20 (1).
- Zirkel, M., Luo, Y., Römer, U., Fidlin, A. and Zentner, L., 2021: Parameter study of compliant elements for a bipedal robot to increase its walking efficiency. In L. Zentner and S. Strehle (Eds.) MAMM2020, MMS 96, pp. 58 – 75, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2021.
- Römer, U. J.; Fidlin, A.; Seemann, W., 2020. The normal parameterization and its application to collision detection. Mechanism and machine theory, 151, Art.-Nr.: 103906. doi:10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2020.103906
- S.M. Sah, J.J. Thomsen and A. Fidlin, 2020. Transverse vibrations of tightened bolts: Simplified modeling of tension-dependent boundary stiffness and damping. Engineering Structures, Vol. 205, 15 February 2020, 110049,
- Fidlin, A.; Silberschmidt, V., 2020. Special Issue on Vibro-impact and friction dynamics. Editorial. Journal of sound and vibration, 468, Art.-Nr. 115082. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2019.115082
- T. Yüzbasioglu, J. Aramendiz und A. Fidlin, 2020. On the numerical simulations of amplitude adaptive impact dampers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 468, 3 March 2020, 115023,
- Schröders, S.; Fidlin, A., 2020. Analyse des dynamischen Verhaltens zweier gekoppelter Druckregelventile. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 84 (2), 205–213. doi:10.1007/s10010-020-00401-6
- Aramendiz, J.; Fidlin, A., 2020. Analyse von Tilgerkonfigurationen mit trockenen Reibungselementen. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 84, 179–189. doi:10.1007/s10010-020-00397-z
- S. Schröders, C. Maier, W. Ebner, A. Fidlin, Ch. Hametner, 2020. Two-degree-of-freedom MIMO control for hydraulic servo-systems with switching properties. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 95, 104246,
- J. Aramendiz, A. Fidlin and K. Lei, 2019. Investigations on Amplitude Adaptive Sequential Friction-Spring Dampers. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, DOI: 10.1002/zamm.201800293
- J. Aramendiz, A. Fidlin and E. Baranowski, 2019. On the Dynamics of a Pre-Stressed Sliding Wedge Damper. PAMM, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 19 (1). DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201900326
- S. Schröders and A. Fidlin, 2019. Oscillations in a system of two coupled self-regulating spool valves with switching properties. PAMM, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 19 (1). DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201900340
- T. Yüzbasioglu, O. Drozdetskaya and A. Fidlin, 2019. Investigation of a centrifugal exciter with two coaxial unbalances on a carrier performing planar motion. PAMM, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 19 (1). DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201900445
- C. Maier, S. Schröders, W. Ebner, M. Köster, A. Fidlin, Ch. Hametner, 2019. Modeling and nonlinear parameter identification for hydraulic servo-systems with switching properties. Mechatronics, 61 (2019) 83 – 95,
- A. S. Tan, J. Aramendiz, K. H. Ross, Th. Sattel, A. Fidlin, 2019. Comparative study between dry friction and electrorheological fluid switches for Tuned vibration absorbers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 460 (2019) 114874,
- G. Jehle and A. Fidlin, 2019. Hydrodynamic optimized vibration damper. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 440 (2019) 100 – 112,
- A. Fidlin and J. Aramendiz, 2019. Study on the dynamics of a lock-up mass damper: asymptotic analysis and application limits. Nonlinear Dyn., 97(3) 1867-1875
- O. Drozdetskaya and A. Fidlin, 2018. On the passing through resonance of a centrifugal exciter with two coaxial unbalances. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 72 (2018) 516 – 520.
- U. Römer, A. Fidlin, W. Seemann, 2018. Explicit analytical solutionsfor two-dimensional contact detection problems between almost arbitrary geometries and straight or circular counterparts. Mechanisms and Machines Theory, 128 (2018) 205 – 224, DOI 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2018.05.018-0094-114-x.
- S. M. Sah, J. J. Thomsen, M. Brøns, A. Fidlin, D. Tcherniak, 2018. Estimating bolt tightness using transverse natural frequencies. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 431 (2018) 137 – 149, DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2018.05.040-0022-460-x.
- G. Jehle, A. Fidlin, 2018. On the nonlinear dynamics of shift gearbox models. Acta Mechanica, 229 (2018) 6, 2327 - 2341, DOI 10.1007/s00707-018-2110-x.
- H. Clausnizer, A. Fidlin, R. Figuli, G. Jehle, M. Wilhelm, J. S. Keller, 2018. Experimental Investigation of the permeability of a tribo-contact in dry friction clutches. Tribology International. 118 (2018) 157 – 162, DOI 10.1016/j.triboint.2017.09.031.
- Ch. Pihuave, A. Fidlin, 2017. Dynamisches Modell für Drehmomentwandler mit Überbrückungskupplung und Torsionsdämpfer. VDI Fachtagung Schwingungen 2017 Berechnung, Überwachung, Anwendung, VDI-Bericht 2295, VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf, 2017, S. 61 – 73.
- M. Köster, A. Fidlin, 2017. Variable displacement vane pump, part I: a minimal nonlinear model. Nonlinear Dynamics 90 (2017) 2, pp. 1077 – 1089, DOI 10.1007/s11071-017-3711-y.
- M. Köster, A. Fidlin, 2017. Variable displacement vane pump, part II: nonlinear volume flow control. Nonlinear Dynamics 90 (2017) 2, pp. 1091 – 1103, DOI 10.1007/s11071-017-3717-5.
- Ph. Mall, A. Fidlin, A. Krüger, 2017. Torsional vibration damper design using augmented Lagrangian particle swarm optimization. Proceedings of ENOC 2017, 9th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 25 – 30 June 2017, Budapest, Hungary, 2 p, ISBN: 978-963-12-9168-1.
- A. Fidlin, N. Gafur, 2017. On the dynamics of friction based tuned mass dampers. Proceedings of ENOC 2017, 9th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 25 – 30 June 2017, Budapest, Hungary, 2 p, ISBN: 978-963-12-9168-1.
- U. Römer, A. Fidlin, 2017. Dance-like motions in optimal walking. Proceedings of ENOC 2017, 9th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 25 – 30 June 2017, Budapest, Hungary, 2 p, ISBN: 978-963-12-9168-1.
- J. J. Thomsen, S. M. Sah, A. Fidlin, D. Tcherniak, 2017. Vibration-based testing of bolted joints. Proceedings of ENOC 2017, 9th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 25 – 30 June 2017, Budapest, Hungary, 2 p, ISBN: 978-963-12-9168-1.
- Ph. Mall, A. Fidlin, A. Krüger and H. Groß, 2017. Simulation based optimization of torsional vibration dampers in automotive powertrains, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 115 (2017) 244-266.
- Ph. Mall, A. Fidlin and A. Krüger, 2016. Simulation based concept selection for vibration dampers. In: Proceedings of the 15th International CTI Symposium Automotive Transmissions, HEV and EV Drives, Berlin, pp. 258-267, ISBN 978-3-9817822-2-6.
- O. Drozdetskaya and A. Fidlin, 2016. On the strongly nonlinear resonance of a rotor with a self-balancing device. 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, 21 – 26 August 2016, Book of Papers, pp. 126 – 127, ISBN: NR16-127/2016E-EPUB.
- G. Jehle, O. Drozdetskaya and A. Fidlin, 2016. Nonlinear Dynamics of Gearboxes with flexible friction clutch. 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, 21 – 26 August 2016, Book of Papers, pp. 210 – 211, ISBN: NR16-127/2016E-EPUB.
- O. Drozdetskaya and A. Fidlin, 2016. On the dynamic balancing of a planetary moving rotor using a passive pendulum-type device. Procedia IUTAM 18 (2016), pp. 126 – 135.
- A. Fidlin and O. Drozdetskaya, 2016. On the averaging in strongly damped systems: the general approach and its application to asymptotic analysis of the Sommerfeld effect, Procedia IUTAM 18 (2016), pp. 43 – 52.
- U. J. Römer, C. Kuhs, M. J. Krause, A. Fidlin, 2016. Simultaneous optimization of gait and design parameters for bipedal robots. Proc. of the 2016 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 1374-1381. doi: 10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487271
- F. Bauer, U. Römer, A. Fidlin and W. Seemann, 2016. Optimal elastic coupling in form of one mechanical spring to improve energy efficiency of walking bipedal robots, Multibody System Dynamics, 38 (2016) 3, 227 – 262, DOI 10.1007/s11044-016-9509-8, pp. 1 – 36.
- J. Deppler, B. Braun, A. Fidlin and M. Hochbruck, 2016. Convergence of visco-elastic constraints to nonholonomic idealization, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 58 (2016), pp. 140 - 147.
- G. Jehle, A. Fidlin, 2015. Simulation starrer Verzahnung mit Reibung, 9. VDI Fachtagung Schwingungen in Antrieben 2015, VDI-Bericht 2262, VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf, 2015, S. 61 – 72.
- F. Bauer, U. Römer, A. Fidlin and W. Seemann, 2015. Optimization of energy efficiency of walking bipedal robots by use of elastic couplings, Nonlinear Dynamics, 83 (2016) 3, 1275 – 1301, DOI 10.1007/s11071-015-2402-9.
- A. Fidlin, S. Bäuerle, F. Boy, 2015. Modelling of the gas induced fading of organic linings in dry clutches. Tribology International 92 (2015), pp. 559 – 566.
- A. Fidlin, Ph. Mall, 2015. On the effect of the distributed friction in the arc spring on the dynamic behavior of the automotive transmission. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Vibrations ICoEV 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7 – 10 September 2015, pp. 1099 – 1108, ISBN 978-961-6536-97-4.
- G. Jehle, A. Fidlin, 2015. Numerical and experimental investigation of the effect of a fluid pipe on systems subjected to forced vibrations. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Vibrations ICoEV 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7 – 10 September 2015, pp. 1079 – 1087, ISBN 978-961-6536-97-4.
- S. Bäuerle, F. Boy, A. Fidlin, 2015. Einfluss der Ausgasung auf das Kupplungsfading bei Berganfahrt. VDI Fachtagung Kupplungen und Kupplungssysteme in Antrieben 2015, VDI-Bericht 2245, VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf, 2015, S. 231 – 243.
- A. Fidlin, M. Lobos, 2014. On the limiting of vibrations amplitudes by a sequential friction-spring element. Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (2014), pp. 5970 – 5979.
- G. Kenderi, A. Fidlin, 2014. Nonparametric identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using a synchronization-based method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333 (2014), pp. 6405 – 6423.
- A. Fidlin, M. Lobos, 2014. Using a sequential friction-spring element for limiting vibration amplitudes. Proceedings of ENOC 2014, Eighth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 06 – 11 July 2014, Vienna, Austria, 6 p, ISBN: 978-3-200-03433-4.
- G. Jehle, M. Köster, A. Fidlin, A. Fridrlich, 2014. On the influence of the fluid pipe on the stability of a mechanical system subjected to friction-induced vibrations. Proceedings of ENOC 2014, Eighth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 06 – 11 July 2014, Vienna, Austria, 2 p, ISBN: 978-3-200-03433-4.
- J. Deppler, A. Fidlin, B. Braun, 2014. Regularization of nonholonomic constraints in multibody systems. Proceedings of ENOC 2014, Eighth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 06 – 11 July 2014, Vienna, Austria, 2 p, ISBN: 978-3-200-03433-4.
- G. Jehle, A. Fidlin, 2014. Friction induced vibrations in shift gearboxes. ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., Vol. 94, No. 11, pp. 911- 916.
- F. Bauer, A. Fidlin, W. Seemann, 2014. Energy efficient bipedal robots walking in resonance. ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., Vol. 94, No. 11, pp. 968 – 973.
- G. Jehle, A. Fidlin, 2013. Reibungserregte Schwingungen in Schaltgetrieben: Selbsterregung durch die Kopplung in der Verzahnung, 7. VDI Fachtagung Schwingungen in Antrieben 2013, VDI-Bericht 2197, VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf, 2013, S. 209 – 222.
- A. Fidlin, H. Hetzler, 2012. On the control of friction induced vibrations through an additional sequential friction-spring, Proceedings of ICTAM 2012, XXIII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 19-24 August 2012, Beijing, China, 2p.
- A. Fidlin, O. Drozdetskaya, B. Waltersberger, 2011. On the minimal model for the low frequency wobbling instability of friction discs. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 30 (2011), pp. 665 - 672.
- A. Tikhomolov, D. Klünder, A. Fidlin, 2011. Dynamik der Fahrzeugkupplungen. VDI-Berichte 2155, 6. Fachtagung Schwingungen in Antrieben 2011, Leonberg, 19. und 20. Oktober 2011, VDI Verlag Düsseldorf 2011, pp. 171 – 181.
- A. Fidlin, O. Drozdetskaya, 2011. Instabilität der gleitenden Fahrzeugkupplungen: Vom analytischen Grundmodell zur Simulation des Gesamtgetriebes. VDI-Berichte 2155, 6. Fachtagung Schwingungen in Antrieben 2011, Leonberg, 19. und 20. Oktober 2011, VDI Verlag Düsseldorf 2011, pp. 183 – 194.
- O. Drozdetskaya, A. Fidlin, B. Waltersberger, 2011. On the wobbling of friction discs. Proceedings of ENOC 2011, Seventh EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 24 – 29 July 2011, Rome, Italy, 6 p.
- A. Fidlin, L.Burkovski, W. Stamm, 2011. SimPaGe – a powerful tool to simulate clutch and gearbox dynamics in manual and dual clutch transmissions. VDI-Berichte 2130, International VDI-Congress Transmissions in Vehicles 2011, Friedrichshafen, 07 and 08 June 2011, VDI Verlag Düsseldorf 2011, pp. 143 – 159.
- A. Fidlin, L. Ineichen, E. Kremer, D. Klünder, A. Tikhomolov, 2009. Schwingungen im Kupplungsbetätigungssystem: Von der Kurbelwelle bis zum Pedal. VDI-Berichte 2077, 6. Fachtagung Schwingungen in Antrieben 2009, Leonberg, 21. und 22. Oktober 2009, VDI Verlag Düsseldorf 2009, pp. 143 – 152.
- W. Reik, A. Fidlin, R. Seebacher, 2009. Gute Schwingungen – Böse Schwingungen. VDI-Berichte 2077, 6. Fachtagung Schwingungen in Antrieben 2009, Leonberg, 21. und 22. Oktober 2009, VDI Verlag Düsseldorf 2009, pp. 3 – 15.
- A. Fidlin, W. Stamm, 2009. On the radial dynamics of friction discs. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 28 (2009), pp. 526 - 534.
- A. Fidlin, 2008. On the radial Dynamics of friction discs operating under slip control. Proceedings of MOVIC 2008, The 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Munich, Germany, September 15 -18, 2008, CD-ROM, 10 p.
- A. Fidlin, 2008. Friction Discs: Torsional slip control and radial dynamics. Proceedings of ICTAM 2008, XXII International Congress of Theoretical an Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, 25 -29 August 2008, CD-ROM, 2 p.
- A. Fidlin, J.J. Thomsen, 2008. Non-trivial effects of high-frequency excitation for strongly damped mechanical systems. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 43 (2008) 569 – 578.
- J.J. Thomsen, A. Fidlin, 2008. Near-elastic vibro-impact analysis by discontinuous transformations and averaging. Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 311, pp. 386 – 407.
- A. Fidlin, W. Stamm, 2008. On the radial dynamics of friction discs. Proceedings ENOC 2008, Sixth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 30 June – 4 July 2008, CD-ROM, 6 p.
- W. Stamm, A. Fidlin, 2008. Radial dynamics of rigid friction discs with alternating sticking and sliding. Proceedings ENOC 2008, Sixth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 30 June – 4 July 2008, CD-ROM, 6 p.
- A. Fidlin, 2007. Creating dynamic structures: from basic cells to rods, beams and shells which properties can be controlled in time and space. Proceedings of ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 13 – 16 June 2007, CD-ROM, 12 p.
- D. Balashov, L. Burkovski, F. Ferderer, A. Fidlin, M. Kremer, B. Pennec, R. Seebacher, 2006. „Simulation bei Drehschwingungsdämpfern“. ATZ 12/2006, S. 1038 – 1045.
- A. Fidlin, R. Seebacher, 2006. „Simulationstechnik am Beispiel des ZMS – Die Stecknadel im Heuhaufen finden“. 8. LuK Kolloquium, 4./5. Mai 2006, S. 54 – 71.
- W. Stamm, A. Fidlin, 2006. „Regularization of 2D Frictional Contacts for Rigid Body Dynamics“. In P. Eberhard (Ed.), IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale Problems in Multibody System Contacts, IUTAM Bookseries Vol.1,Springer, pp. 291 – 300.
- A. Fidlin, R. Seebacher, 2005. „Simulationsgestützte Optimierung von Drehschwingungsdämpfern”. In “Systemanalyse in der Kfz-Antriebstechnik III”, Herausgeber: U. Brill, Haus der Technik Fachbuch, Band 44, Expert Verlag, pp. 141 – 159.
- A. Fidlin, 2005. On the strongly nonlinear behaviour of an oscillator in a clearance. Proceedings ENOC 2005, Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 7 – 12 August 2005, pp. 389 - 398
- A. Fidlin, 2005. Oscillator in a clearance: asymptotic approaches and nonlinear effects. Proceedings of IDETC’ 2005: ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference Long Beach, California, USA, September, 24-28, 2005. DETC2005-84080, 9 p.
- J. J. Thomsen and A. Fidlin, 2003. Analytical Approximations for stick-slip vibration amplitudes. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 38 (2003) 389 – 403.
- A. Fidlin, 2002. On the asymptotic analysis of discontinuous systems. ZAMM 82 (2002) 2, 75 – 88.
- N. Indlekofer, U. Wagner, A. Fidlin, A. Teubert, 2002. Last results in the CVT development. In “7th LuK Symposium”, LuK GmbH & Co, 2002, pp. 63 – 72.
- A. Fidlin A. and J. J. Thomsen, 2001. Predicting vibration induced displacement for a resonant friction slider. Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 20, pp. 155 – 166.
- A. Fidlin, 2000. On Asymptotic Properties of Systems with Strong and Very Strong High-Frequency Excitation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 235(2), pp. 219 – 233.
- A. Fidlin, 1999. On the separation of motions in systems with a large fast excitation of general form, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 18, pp. 527 – 538.
- A. Pechenev, A. Fidlin, 1992. Hierarchy of resonant motions excited in a vibroimpact system with contact zones by an inertial source of limited power.- Mechanics of Solids, Vol. 27, Nr. 4, pp. 46 – 53.
- A. Fidlin, 1992. Calculation of the fractal crack surface properties in the analysis of the brittle fraction in mining rock. - Soviet Physics Doklady, Vol.37 (9), September 1992, pp. 473 – 474.
- L. Gurevich, E. Kremer, A. Fidlin, 1992. Batch Grinding Kinetics. Powder Technology, Vol. 309, Nr. 2, pp. 133 – 137.
- I. Blekhman, J. Katsman, A. Fidlin, 1992. Theoretical and experimental research of the brittle fracture of ores on the basis of fractal properties of fracture surfaces analysing.- Research Reports of the “Mekhanobr”-Institute, 32 p (in Russian).
- I. Blekhman, Yu. Giatsiavichus, A. Fidlin, 1992. On the theory and analysis of a vibration washing machine. - Research Reports of the “Mekhanobr”-Institute, 12 p (in Russian).
- E. Kremer, L. Gurevich, A. Fidlin, 1991. Computer simulation of the grinding circuits. - Research Reports of the “Mekhanobr”-Institute, 63 p (in Russian).
- A. Fidlin, 1991. On averaging in systems with a variable number of degrees of freedom.- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 55, Nr. 4, pp. 507 – 511.
- A. Fidlin, 1991. Formation of the bulk material circulating streams under the action of vibration. - Mineral Processing Journal, Nr. 1, pp. 30 – 32 (in Russian).
- A. Fidlin, 1990. On the averaging in systems of variable order. Preprint Nr. 46 of the Leningrad's part of the Machinery Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 17 p (in Russian).
- I. Blekhman, A. Krasnov, A. Fidlin, 1989. Research works of the Institute "Mechanobr" on the dynamics of fluids, granular materials and pulps under the action of vibrations (grinding, separation and other processes).- Lectures of the research-school "Vibro-Technology-89" Odessa, pp. 7 – 13 (in Russian).
- E. Kremer, A. Fidlin, 1989. One-dimensional dynamic continuum model of a free-flowing granular medium. Soviet Physics Doklady, Vol. 34 (12), pp. 1063 – 1065.
- I. Blekhman, L. Weisberg, O. Vialtseva, A. Fidlin, 1988. Capacity of vibro-screens with the active working surfaces. In book: Research of the processes, machines and devices for the ores separation. "Mekhanobr", pp. 20 – 35 (in Russian).
D. Presentations at Conferences and Collouqia
- Genda, A. and Fidlin, A., 2024. Data-based averaging. 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM 2024 Daegu, Korea, August 25 – 30, 2024.
- Keller, S. and Fidlin, A., 2024. Thermo-mechanical heat flow in a friction oscillator under high-frequency excitation. ENOC 2024, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Juli 22 – 26, Delft, the Netherlands,
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman, O., 2024. Experimental verification of escape from a potential well. ENOC 2024, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Juli 22 – 26, Delft, the Netherlands,
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman, O., 2024. Escape from a conservative 2D potential. ENOC 2024, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Juli 22 – 26, Delft, the Netherlands,
- Altoé, Ph. And Fidlin, A., 2024. Quasi-periodic oscillations of the rotor in an axial flux reluctance machine under external axial excitation. ENOC 2024, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Juli 22 – 26, Delft, the Netherlands,
- Kanciper, Y., Gendelman, O. and Fidlin, A., 2024. Dynamics of super-harmonic escape from truncated quasilinear potential well. ENOC 2024, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Juli 22 – 26, Delft, the Netherlands,
- Askenton, Y., Gendelman, O. and Fidlin, A., 2024. Trapping and scattering of 2DOF system in/on a potential well. ENOC 2024, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Juli 22 – 26, Delft, the Netherlands,
- Altoé, Ph., Römer, U.J. and Fidlin, A., 2023. Rotor Dynamics in axial flux reluctance motors under external vibrations excitation. 4. VDI-Conference Vibrations 2023, 27. – 28.11.2023, Würzburg, Germany.
- Keller, S. and Fidlin, A., 2023. Thermomechanical Investigation of a frictional oscillator under High-frequency Excitation. 4. VDI-Conference Vibrations 2023, 27. – 28.11.2023, Würzburg, Germany.
- Fidlin, A. and Yüzbasioglu, T., 2023. Exciting of slowly modulated vibrations with unbalances rotor exciters using nonlinear resonance and avoiding self-synchronization. IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear dynamics for design of mechanical systems across different length/time scales, July 31 - August 4, 2023, Tsukuba, Japan
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman, O., 2023. Bias of the steady-state averaged solutions of a strongly overdamped particle in a cosine potential under harmonic excitation. IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear dynamics for design of mechanical systems across different length/time scales, July 31 - August 4, 2023, Tsukuba, Japan
- Keller, S. and Fidlin, A., 2023. Friction Reduction in a Revolute Joint by the Use of Axial High-Frequency Excitation. Experimental Mechanics in Engineering and Biomechanics - Proceedings ICEM20 20th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Porto 2-7 July 2023, Porto
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman, O., 2023. Safe Basins of Escape of a Weakly Damped Particle in a Truncated Quadratic Potential Well Under Harmonic Excitation. Nodycon2023 Book of Abstracts, NODYCON 2023 Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, June 18 – 22, 2034, Rome, Italy.
- Luo, Y., Römer, U., Zirkel, M., Zentner, L. and Fidlin, A., 2023. The Influence of a Non-Instantaneous Double Support Phase on the Efficiency of a HZD Controlled Bipedal Robot. Nodycon2023 Book of Abstracts, NODYCON 2023 Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, June 18 – 22, 2034, Rome, Italy.
- Genda, A. and Fidlin, A., 2022. Safe Basins of Escape of a Particle from an Asymmetrically Truncated, Quadratic Potential Well under Harmonic Excitation. 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, August 15 – 19, 2022, Aachen, Germany.
- Keller, S. and Fidlin, A., 2022. Thermomechanical investigation of a rotary friction joint with axial excitation. 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, August 15 – 19, 2022, Aachen, Germany.
- Altoé, P. and Fidlin, A., 2022. Oscillations of a rotor disc under electromagnetic influence in an axial flux reluctance machine. 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, August 15 – 19, 2022, Aachen, Germany.
- Yüzbasioglu, T. and Fidlin, A., 2022. A small parameter study of the transient behavior of two coupled exciters. 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, August 15 – 19, 2022, Aachen, Germany.
- Luo, Y., Zirkel, M., Römer, U. J., Zentner, L. and Fidlin, A., 2022. Efficient bipedal walking on stairs using compliant mechanisms. 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, August 15 – 19, 2022, Aachen, Germany.
- Fidlin, A., 2022. Systems with partially strongly damped variables in mechanical engineering: from classical examples to recent applications. Keynote lecture. 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference, 4 – 8 July 2022, Galway Ireland.
- Genda, A., Fidlin, A. and Gendelman. O., 2022. On the Escape of a Strongly Damped Particle Chain from a Potential Well under Poly-harmonic Excitation. 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference, 4 – 8 July 2022, Galway Ireland.
- Yüzabioglu, T. and Fidlin, A., 2022. Asymptotic analysis of transient behavior of two coupled exciters. ENOC 2020+2, July 17-22, 2022, Lyon, France. ENOC 2020+2
- Engel, A., Ezra, T., Gendelman, O. and Fidlin, A., 2022. Escape of two-DOF dynamical system from the potential well. ENOC 2020+2, July 17-22, 2022, Lyon, France. ENOC 2020+2
- Fidlin, A. and Aramendiz, J., 2021: Analytical, numerical and experimental investigations of a tuned wedge damper with segmented smooth contact surfaces. In 25th International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM 2021, August 22 – 27, 2021, Book of Abstracts, pp. 283 – 284.
- Fidlin, A., Drozdetskaya, O., Genda, A., Schröders, S. and Yüzbasioglu, T., 2021. Systems with partially strongly damped variables in engineering: from Sommerfeld effect to escape dynamics. APM, XLIX International Summer School Conference Advanced Problems in Mechanics, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 21 – 25 June 2021.
- Römer, U. J.; Seemann, W.; Fidlin, A. 2020. Kontaktdetektion zwischen konvexen Objekten auf Basis der Normalenparameterisierung. 6. IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2020: 27./28. Februar 2020, Campus Technik Lienz. doi:10.17185/duepublico/71212
- Brøns, M., Plaugmann, A., Thomsen, J.J. and Fidlin, A., 2020. Vibration-based bolt tension estimation for multi-bolt joints. IMAC Conference, February 10 – 13, 2020, Houston, USA.
- S. Schröders, A. Fidlin, 2019. Analyse des dynamischen Verhaltens zweier gekoppelter hydraulischer Ventile. 2. VDI-Fachtagung Schwingungen 2019, 05.-06.11.2019, Würzburg, Deutschland.
- A. Fidlin, 2019. DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1897 Calm, Smooth and Smart: Neuartige Schwingungsbeeinflussung durch gezielt eingesetzte Dissipation. 2. VDI-Fachtagung Schwingungen 2019, 05.-06.11.2019, Würzburg, Deutschland.
- J. Aramendiz, A. Fidlin, 2019. Analyse trockener Reibungselemente in Tilgerkonfigurationen. 2. VDI-Fachtagung Schwingungen 2019, 05.-06.11.2019, Würzburg, Deutschland.
- Sah, S.M., Thomsen, J.J. and Fidlin, A., 2019. Estimating bolt tightness from measured vibrations: Effective linearity of nonlinear boundary stiffness. NODYCON, February 17 – 20, 2019, Rome, Italy.
- Aramendiz, J. and Fidlin, A., 2019. Analyse trockener Reibungselemente in Tilgerkonfigurationen. 2. VDI-Fachtagung Schwingungen 2019, 05.-06.11.2019, Würzburg, Deutschland.
- A. Fidlin, J. Aramendiz, 2019. Calming forced vibrations by friction based mass dampers with variable structure. The 14th International Conference on Vibrations Problems ICoVP 2019, 1 – 4 September 2019, Crete, Greece.
- J. Aramendiz, A. Fidlin, K. Lei, 2018. An Amplitude Adaptive Sequential Friction-Spring Add-On Damper. The 4th International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Contact and Friction ICoVIS 2018, Kassel, Germany, 30 July – 03 August 2018, Amplitude Adaptive Sequential Friction-Spring Add-On Damper - Aramend...pdf
- Sah, S.M., Thomsen, J.J., Broens, M., Fidlin, A. and Tcherniak, D., 2018. Estimating bolt tightness from measured vibrations: Influence of nonlinear boundary stiffness and damping. CSNDD, June 25 – 27, 2018, Tanjier, Morocco.
- Sah, S.M., Thomsen, J.J., Broens, M., Fidlin, A. and Tcherniak, D., 2018. Estimating bolt tightness from measured vibrations: Influence of boundary nonlinearity. ESMC, July 2 – 6, 2018, Bologna, Italy.
- Brøns, M., Thomsen, J.J., Fidlin, A., Tcherniak, D. and Sah, S.M., 2018. Modal im pact testing for estimation bolted joint tightness. 14th ISMA conference, June 27 – July 1, 2018, Illinois, USA.
- T. Yuzbasioglu, J. Aramendiz, A. Fidlin, 2018. On the Numerical Simulations of Amplitude Adaptive Impact-Dampers. The 4th International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Contact and Friction ICoVIS 2018, Kassel, Germany, 30 July – 03 August 2018, icovis - Tunc.pdf
- Aditya Suryadi Tan, Thomas Sattel, Jimmy Aramendiz, Alexander Fidlin, 2018. A Note on Switchable Vibration Absorber Concepts Based on Magneto- or Electrorheological Fluid Dampers. The 4th International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Contact and Friction ICoVIS 2018, Kassel, Germany, 30 July – 03 August 2018, Abstract_Final.pdf
- G. Jehle, A. Fidlin, 2018. Optimal hydrodynamic vibration damper with an inner moving mass. IUTAM Symposium on Recent Advances in Moving Boundary Problems in Mechanics, February 12 – 15, 2018, Christchurch, New Zeeland, pp. 93 – 94.
- G. Jehle, H. Clausnizer, A. Fidlin, 2017. Experimental Approach to Measure the Permeability of a Tribo-Contact in Dry Friction Clutches. ITS-IFToMM 2017/ K-TIS 2017, March 19 – 22, 2017, Jeju, Korea, pp. 69 – 70.
- G. Jehle and A. Fidlin, 2016. On the influence of the lamella's elasticity on self-excited vibrations in gearboxes. PAMM, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16: 273-274. DOI:10.1002/pamm.201610125
- S. Bäuerle, F. Boy, A. Fidlin, 2015. Einfluss der Ausgasung aufs Kupplungsfading bei Berganfahrt, 1. IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz, 11. März 2015, TU Dortmund.
- G. Jehle and A. Fidlin, 2015. A DAE formulation for geared rotor dynamics including frictional contact between the teeth. PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 15, 251 – 252 (2015) / DOI 10.1002/pamm.201510116, 2p.
- M. Köster and A. Fidlin, 2015. Nonlinear Volume Flow Control of a Variable Displacement Vane Pump. PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 15, 635 – 636 (2015) / DOI 10.1002/pamm.201510307, 2p.
- U. Römer, A. Fidlin and W. Seemann, 2015. Investigation of optimal bipedal walking gaits subject to different energy-based objective functions. PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 15, 69 – 70 (2015) / DOI 10.1002/pamm.201510025, 2p.
- A. Fidlin, J. Deppler and B. Braun, 2014. Convergency of viscoelastic constraints to nonholonomic idealization, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods, 28th-30th July 2014, Cambridge, G.R.Liu and Z.W. Guan EDS., Paper 64. ScienTech Publisher., 4 p.
- J. Deppler, A. Fidlin and B. Braun, 2014. Regularization of nonholonomic constraints in multibody systems, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), July 20 -25, Barcelona, Spain.
- M. Köster, G. Jehle, A. Fidlin, 2014. System identification based on model synchronization. PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 14, 929 – 930 (2014) / DOI 10.1002/pamm.201410445, 2p.
- G. Jehle and A. Fidlin, 2014. Influence of the hydraulic fluid pipe on the dynamic stability of a shift gearbox. PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 14, 279 – 280 (2014) / DOI 10.1002/pamm.201410127, 2p.
- U. Römer and A. Fidlin, 2014. Energy-optimized bipedal running of a simple humanoid robot. PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 14, 81 – 82 (2014) / DOI 10.1002/pamm.201410028, 2p.
- F. Bauer, A. Fidlin, 2013. Bipedal Robots Walking in Resonance, 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013), Lisbon, Portugal, 9 – 12. September 2013.
- A. Fidlin, H. Hetzler, 2013. On the fading of friction discs, 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013), Lisbon, Portugal, 9 – 12. September 2013.
- M. Köster, A. Fidlin, 2013. Nonlinear Dynamics of a Pressure Control Valve, 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013), Lisbon, Portugal, 9 – 12. September 2013.
- A. Fidlin, 2013. Dynamic Friction Effects in Automotive Transmissions. Invitied Lecture at the 3rd International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Non-Smooth Interactions ICoVIS 2013, Leinsweiler, Deutschland, 22 – 26 Juli 2013.
- G. Kenderi, A. Fidlin, 2013. Identification of Vibro-impact Systems Using Synchronization Based Methods, 3rd International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Non-Smooth Interactions ICoVIS 2013, Leinsweiler, Deutschland, 22 – 26 Juli 2013.
- F. Bauer, A. Fidlin, 2013. Energy Efficient Bipedal Robots’ Walk in Resonance, 3rd International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Non-Smooth Interactions ICoVIS 2013, Leinsweiler, Deutschland, 22 – 26 Juli 2013.
- G. Jehle, A. Fidlin, 2013. Friction induced non-smooth vibrations in shift gearboxes, 3rd International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Non-Smooth Interactions ICoVIS 2013, Leinsweiler, Deutschland, 22 – 26 Juli 2013.
- A. Tikhomolov, A. Fidlin, 2013. Nonlinear Dynamic Effect in the Clutch System, 3rd International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Non-Smooth Interactions ICoVIS 2013, Leinsweiler, Deutschland, 22 – 26 Juli 2013.
- A. Fidlin, 2012. Challenges for Dynamic Simulations between Analysis and Innovation. Invited lecture at the 15th ITI Symposium, 14 – 15 November 2012, Dresden, Germany.
- A. Tikhomolov and A. Fidlin, 2011. Nonlinear dynamic effects in automotive clutches. PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 11, 339 – 340 (2011) / DOI 10.1002/pamm.201110161, 2p.
- A. Fidlin, W. Stamm, 2009. Effects of dry friction in automotive transmissions. Key-note lecture at the workshop “On resonance oscillations and stability in nonsmooth systems”, Imperial College London, 16 – 19 June 2009.
- A. Fidlin, 2007. On the nontrivial interaction of strongly damped mechanical systems with high-frequency excitation. ICIAM 07, July, 16 – 20 2007, Zürich, Switzerland.
- A. Fidlin, 2006. Bi-harmonically excited pendulum: shifted resonances and quenching the low frequency excitation. PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 6, 301–302 (2006) / DOI 10.1002/pamm.200610132, 2p.
- W. Stamm, A. Fidlin, 2006. Regularization of 2D Frictional Contact for Rigid Body Dynamics. PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 6, 111–112 (2006) / DOI 10.1002/pamm.200610036, 2p.
- A. Fidlin, J.J. Thomsen, 2004. Non Trivial Effect of Strong High-Frequency Excitation on a Nonlinear Controlled System. 21st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, August 15 – 21, 2004, Warsaw, Poland.
- J.J. Thomsen, A. Fidlin, 2004. Discontinuous Transformations and Averaging for Vibro-Impact Analysis. 21st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, August 15 – 21, 2004, Warsaw, Poland.
- A. Fidlin, 2004. Regular Motions in Oscillating Systems with Almost Elastic Collisions Analysed by Means of Unfolding Transformations. GAMM 2004, March 21 – 27, 2004, Dresden.
- A. Fidlin, 2002. Resonant motions of a quasi-elastic impact oscillator. GAMM 2002, March 25 – 28, 2002, Augsburg.
- A. Fidlin, 2001. On the Asymptotic Analysis of Discontinuous Systems. GAMM 2001, February 12 – 15, 2001, Zürich.
- A. Fidlin, E. Kremer, D. Klünder, 2000. Druckbegrenzungsventil: Problemlösung beim Kribbelfilter. 2. Technikforum in Bad-Homburg.
- A. Fidlin, 1999. On Asymptotic Properties of Systems with Strong and Very Strong High-Frequency Excitation.- Third European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference, Lyngby, Denmark.
- A. Fidlin, 1998. Mechanische Starrkörpermodelle von Strukturvariablensystemen. – 1. ITI-SIM Workshop, Dresden.
- A. Fidlin, 1991. Oscillations of vibro-impact machines from the point of view of the variable order system dynamics. - All - Union Conference "Vibration Technique", Tbilisi, p.83 (in Russian).
- A. Fidlin, 1987. Simulation of the bulk material behaviour in a vibrating vessel.- All-Union Conference "Vibrational Technique", Tbilisi, p. 154.
E. Patent Applications
- J. A. Aramendiz Fuentes, A. Fidlin, „Schwingungsdämpfer” (vibration damper), das amtliche Kennzeichen DE 10 2022 110 201 A1, Offenlegungstag 23.11.2023
- A. Fidlin, G. Jehle, Schwingungsdämpfer (Vibration damper), German Patent Request DE102016107765 A1 (2017).
- A. Fidlin, B. Waltersberger. „Hydraulisches Element“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2010 044 505.3, Anmeldetag 06.09.2010
- A. Fidlin, M. Hausner, A. Tikhomolov, L. Ineichen. „Kupplungsanordnung“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2010 025 459.2, Anmeldetag 29.06.2010
- A. Fidlin, B. Waltersberger, H. Keck, O. Drozdetskaya. „Reibungskupplung“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2011 103 380 A1, Offenlegungstag 29.12.2011
- A. Fidlin, M. Hausner, A. Tikhomolov, L. Ineichen. „Kupplung mit Zwangsanregungskompensation“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2009 053 684.1, Anmeldetag 19.11.2009
- A. Fidlin, H. Keck, O. Czygan. „Reibbelagfederung für eine Kraftfahrzeugreibungskupplung“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2009 053 931 A1, Offenlegungstag 22.06.2011
- A. Fidlin, L. Burkovski, T. Vlasova. „Vorrichtung zum Ausgleich von Drehmomentschwankungen“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2009 033 924.8, Anmeldetag 20.07.2009
- M. Wagner, A. Fidlin. „Drehschwingungsdämpfer“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2008 050 294.4, Anmeldetag 02.10.2008
- A. Fidlin, H. Mende, L. Ineichen. „Drehschwingungsdämpfer“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2007 058 013.6, Anmeldetag 03.12.2007
- A. Fidlin, Sz. Szikrai, I. Horvath. „Drehmomentübertragungseinrichtung“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2007 051 070.7, Anmeldetag 25.10.2007
- A. Fidlin, O. Czygan, H. Keck, Ch. Raber, M. Häßler, A. Rusch. „Reibkupplung mit balligen Reibkontakten“, das amtliche Kennzeichen EP 2 077 399 A1, Anmeldetag 03.09.2008
- H. Mende, A. Fidlin, J. Kroll. „Vorrichtung zum Ausgleich von Drehmomentschwankungen“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2007 040 411.7, Anmeldetag 27.08.2007
- A. FIdlin, H. Keck, C. Dobos, D. Reimnitz. „Tellerfeder“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2006 056 319.0, Anmeldetag 29.11.2006
- A. Fidlin, L. Ineichen, E. Kremer: „ Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Dämpfen von Torsionsschwingungen in einem Kraftfahrzeug“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2006 048 808.3, Anmeldetag 16.10.2006
- A. Fidlin, E. Kremer: „Anordnung zum Betätigen einer Kupplung eines Fahrzeuges“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2005 040 937.7, Anmeldetag 30.08.2005
- A. Fidlin, M. Vornehm, R. Glas, R. Léorat, L. Burkovski, P. Schmid: „Kegelscheibenumschlingungsgetriebe, Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung sowie Fahrzeug mit einem derartigen Getriebe“, das amtliche Kennzeichen 10 2004 040 826.2, Anmeldetag 24.08.2004
- A. Fidlin, C. Mohr, H.-W. Wodtke: "Verfahren zum Vermindern von von einem Kegelscheibenumschlingungsgetriebe ausgehenden Schwingungen sowie Kegelscheibenumschlingungsgetriebe und Welle", das amtliche Kennzeichen 103 44 934.5, Anmeldetag: 27.09.2003.
- A. Fidlin, B. Serebrennikov, G. Hirt, G. Ahnert, R. Berger, B. Pollak, D. Lang, M. Schneider, J. Benz, Patentanmeldung: "Verfahren und Einrichtung zur Motorsteuerung beim USG-Synchronvorgang", das amtliche Kennzeichen 101 38 570.6, Anmeldetag: 06.08.2001.
- T. Jäger, M. Vornehm, R. Berger, B. Boll, A. Rogg, G. Hirt, G. Ahnert, T. Herrmann, K. Küpper, A. Deimel, T. Rammhofer, V. Kretz-Busch, M. Jung, P. Bührle, K. Henneberger, A. Fidlin, B. Serebrennikov, S. Winkelmann, M. Gallion, U. Weller, S. Lehmann, J. Mills, A. Zaum, A. Laukner, J. Metzger, B. Pollak, A. Maxon, G. Hickling, N. Esly, J. Benndorf, Patentanmeldung: "Verfahren, Vorrichtung und deren Verwendung zum Betrieb eines Kraftfahrzeuges, insbesondere mit einem elektronischen Kupplungsmanagement und/oder mit einer ASG-Ansteuerung", das amtliche Kennzeichen 101 38 572.2, Anmeldetag: 06.08.2001.
- T. Rammhofer, A. Fidlin, J. Grabenstätter, K.-L. Kimmig, R. Berger, M. Zimmermann, K. Küpper, M. Jung, G. Schneider, W. Schmitt, H.-J. Renk, S. Winkelmann, J. Lamers, N. Esly, M. Vornehm, Patentanmeldung: "Verwendung, Vorrichtung und deren Verwendung zum Betrieb eines Kraftfahrzeuges", das amtliche Kennzeichen 101 35 121.6, Anmeldetag: 19.07.2001.
- A. Fidlin, J.-F. Heller, M. Homm, E. Kremer, J. Osterlänger, W. Parzefal, G. Prosch, R. Welter, Patentanmeldung: „Hydraulisches System“, das amtliche Aktenzeichen: 199 59 469.4, Anmeldetag: 10.12.1999.
- R. Berger, A. Fidlin, R. Fischer, R. Meinhard, W. Reik, Patentanmeldung: „Antriebstrang“, das amtliche Aktenzeichen: 198 33 784.1, Anmeldetag: 28.07.1998.