Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Geißendörfer
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Kaiserstraße 10
Gebäude: 10.23
76131 Karlsruhe
Influence of the microstructure of metal foams on macroscale
Metal foams and their applications are of increasing interest in the area of research and development. High stiffness in conjunction with low density, high percentage of free surface within the volume, capacity of high energy absorbation and good damping properties of metal foams are relevant for light weight construction, chemical reactions, crash elements and vibration damping. Metal foams are used for example as car body elements, crash absorbers, fast moving vibrating devices, heat exchangers, catalysts, heat shieldings.
In dynamic applications it is necessary to describe eigenfrequencies and damping properties of metal foams. Due to the strongly developed inhomogenities of the microstructure of metal foams the material parameters and properties fluctuate.
The influence of the inhomogenities at the micro level to the macroscopic behavior is being researched. Two aspects are of main interest: The size effect and the standard deviation of the material parameters. The aim is to develop a simulation model that depicts the influence of the microstructural inhomogenities on the macroscopic behavior.
Contact: Prof. C. Proppe
Publications in Journals und Proceedings
M. Geißendörfer, M. Koebelè-Cousquer, R.T. Liong, C. Proppe
Uncertainty Propagation on Multiple Scales: from Stochastic Geometry to Macroscopic Structural Behavior
Proceedings of the 6th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications, APSSRA 2016, Shanghai, China, May 28-30, 2016, pp. 71-76
M. Geißendörfer, A. Liebscher, C. Proppe, C. Redenbach, D. Schwarzer
Stochastic multiscale modeling of metal foams
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics(2014), DOI: 10.1016/j.probengmech.2014.06.006
M. Geißendörfer, A. Liebscher, C. Proppe, C. Redenbach, D. Schwarzer
Statistical Volume Elements for Metal Foams
Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium, Santorini, Greece, September 9-11, 2013, pp. 171-185
M. Geißendörfer, A. Liebscher, C. Proppe, C. Redenbach, D. Schwarzer
Modellierung von Metallschäumen zur Untersuchung ihrer dynamischen Eigenschaften
Forschungsreport für den Maschinenbau in Baden-Württemberg WS 2013/14, pp. 38-42
Talks at Conferences and Colloquia
M. Geißendörfer, C. Proppe, 2016.
Fatigue Behavior of Metallic Foams: A Multiscale Model
6th International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics 2016, Leuven, Belgium
M. Geißendörfer, C. Proppe, 2016.
Multiscale Modeling of the Fatigue Behavior of real open-cell Aluminum Foams
12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics 2016, Seoul, Rebublic of Korea
M. Geißendörfer, C. Proppe, 2015.
Influence of Microplasticity in Metal Foams on Macroscopic Damping Behavior
9th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams 2015, Barcelona, Spain
M. Geißendörfer, C. Proppe, 2015.
Influence of Microplasticity in Metal Foams on Macroscopic Damping Behavior
13th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics 2015, San Diego, USA
M. Geißendörfer, C. Proppe, 2014.
Modeling of metal foams based on image analysis
5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics 2014, Hamburg
M. Geißendörfer, A. Liebscher, C. Proppe, C. Redenbach, D. Schwarzer 2013.
Modeling of metal foams based on image analysis
11th European Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis 2013, Kaiserslautern
bau in Baden-Württemberg WS 2013/14, pp. 38-42
Title | Type | Graduand |
Bestimmung der Steifigkeit von Drehleiterschweißteilen | bachelor thesis | Christoph Breuner |
Einfluss heterogener Mikrostruktur auf das makroskopische Verhalten dynamisch beanspruchter Bauteile | master thesis | Alexander Görtz |
Modalanalyse: Experimentelle Bestimmung der Eigenfrequenzen von Metallschaumbalken | student assistant | Bahaeddine Zaag |